Scotland Independence, the hard way and the only way to total emancipation of a long 300-year-old tie

Scotland Independence, the hard way and the only way to total emancipation of a long 300-year-old tie

While the European Union has agreed to extend Brexit deadline to January 31 2020,  there has been a continuous wave of campaigns lately in Scotland on the possible benefits of an independent  Scotland. One would recall that Scotland rejected independence in 2014 by a referendum of 55% to 45%. In 2016, the Scots flooded out in massive fronts and voted to remain in European Union. Instead they got the opposite of what they wanted a “Brexit”. Paving an unprepared path and re-boosting the country”s clamor for independence. 

Meanwhile, several angles have been analyzed  as the tones behind the diverse standpoint of  what is actually best for the country in this particular moment of what will be written in Scotland’s book of history.

Some youths holds the view that Scotland is like a “Second Class Citizen” in the current United Kingdom arrangement where Westminster overlords  dictate everything from their economies to their security policies. They want to abolish the idea of sitting on the backstage crabbing anything that is thrown at them. Rather they want Scotland to sit side by side with Germany or England  making important decisions affecting countries in Europe. 

Scottish politicians have long claimed that their territory  resources have been frequently used to benefit England more than the people of Scotland as well as the fact that Scotland has little say in its governance. Pointing to the U.K Trident nuclear weapon carried out by Submarines based on Scotland’s West Coasts is a perfect example of the contrasting principles of the Westminster’s lawmakers towards Scotland. To them, the U.K Trident game could not be played in cities like London, because it  poses much threat to human life. 

As a distinctive feature of how dynamic the international system works, some Scottish citizens hold opposing views to the status quo. Not everyone in Scotland  desires independence. Some individuals do not want to go out of the Union called the United Kingdom, emphasizing that England is a neighbor or to put it more aptly, a family. 

The S.N.P (Scottish National Party) keeps saying the people want independence. The fishing industry does not want independence, most of their fish is consumed in England, this will amount to a huge economic loss to them. 

One may say that independence  seem to rise on the Scottish agenda no matter who wins the election. Too many Scottish dreaming of an independent Scotland in Europe. Paradoxically however, Scotland independence seems to be the hard way and the only way.


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