It has been revealed that Google secretly gathered millions of patient records across 21 states and the company responded by revealing what it calls ‘The Nightingale Project’, the reason behind it all.
The Wall Street Journal reports that neither the provider’s doctors nor patients were made aware of the data collection and that as many as 150 Google employees may have access to it.
Google commented on the issue, saying that it is the standard industry practice for a health care provider to share highly sensitive health records with tech workers under an agreement like it signed with Google as it allows the company to build tools for that health care provider by using the private medical data supplied. Google also stated that the patients were not required to be notified.
According to Forbes, as part of ‘Project Nightingale’, patient data was uploaded to Google’s Cloud servers.

The tech company has also been accused of unwarranted access to hundreds of thousands of health care records through the University of Chicago Medical Center and the recent development might put them in a more precarious position.