Love isn’t without opposition and could oftentimes end in tragedy. So, upcoming artist Fireboy DML admonishes us to love fiercely while we can in Need You video.
From the opening frame, the song captures you with its touching melody and the singer’s beautiful voice. He waits for his true love and when she arrives his excitement goes to another level as they both have fun while enjoying each other’s company.
Things take a turn for the worse when a dangerous foe (possibly a jilted lover who the girl ran away from) comes calling. Apparently a lover and not a fighter, the young man is only helpless as his world comes crashing down before his very eyes.
Sometimes it’s the wonderful things that don’t last and their fragility and temporal nature have a way of leaving gaping holes in our hearts.
Fireboy DML’s video is a reminder that we should treasure all that we hold dear, making as many memories as we can because we never know how easily such things can be snatched away in the twinkling of an eye.
Even if only experienced for a brief moment, love is the greatest force of all and should never be taken for granted. As humans who are finite beings, it leaves us with its infinite touch and leaves us with something better experienced than described.
Fireboy DML can only climb higher as his latest video clip is even better than the previous one. Its uniquely sensational effect is bolstered by an even more impacting video. Two thumbs up!