Stuntwoman Cheryl Toma Sanders and her husband were shot and killed during the weekend.
She is best known for her stunt work in the movie industry, having contributed to such films as Thor, Back to the Future, Die Hard, and Lethal Weapon.
The killing occurred at the property of a million-dollar home near Yellow Springs, Ohio and the property belongs to Sanders’ ex-husband who shot his ex-wife and her current husband for trespassing.
Police reports reveal that the ex-husband Lindsay Duncan acted in self-defense as he was allegedly ambushed by Sanders and her hubby who were on his property with their own guns. The report was listed as “justifiable homicide.”
Many believe that Sanders and Duncan had an unsteady relationship due to the fact that their marriage hit the rocks in 2009 after 10 years together. The union produced two children and the unfortunate incident came about as a result of access to the kids’ college funds.
Cheryl Toma Sanders’ career began in the mid-1980s when she ventured into martial arts before moving to Hollywood for her stunt work.
Sanders foray into stunts was successful but she got into trouble when she elected to perform stunts others turned down on the set of Back to the Future Part II. The stunt went wrong and she fell 20 feet, shattering the bones in her face, right arm, and hand.
Investigators are still looking further into the shootout and how it happened as they believe that there may be more than just money involved.