It’s good to know that his talents as a vocalist haven’t diminished in anyway, but Justin Bieber needs to up his game.
The first three songs are nothing to write home about, and the fourth, Intentions (which I assume is an ode to his wife), is the first real track with promise. The melody and progression are cool, but the rhymes are kind of mediocre. Rapper Quavo does his part to add flavor to the song and it works.
Forever with Post Malone and Clever is another song that has a great sound. The guest appearances prove to be what elevates the track. I honestly don’t why it wasn’t promoted as one of the album’s main tracks because it is dope.
The tenth song Second Emotion featuring Travis Scott is both unique and reminds us why the singer stole our hearts in the first place. When Travis does his part, he completely owns it and for a moment one almost forgets the song doesn’t belong to him.
Kehlani’s contribution to the track Get Me is impressive but not enough to save it from being almost drab. The thing is we have heard a lot of these kinds of songs before so when you release something of the same nature, you differentiate with something new.
Bieber’s sound reminds us of that of British singer Craig David but he shows even more promise if only he could reach down within.
There is a lack of range as most of the tracks share similarities; the ones that don’t are easily forgettable. It is expected that by now Bieber should have attained a certain level of maturity musically but that is not the case. His talent is unquestionable but his album lacks creativity.
Rating: 6/10.