Three Indian soldiers have been killed by Chinese troops along the disputed decade-long China-India border on Monday night.

This is coming in-between a deescalation talks between the two countries after a large troop build up has reportedly been taking place for weeks now on both sides of the border.
According to a statement by the Indian army, there was loss of life “on both sides,” including an Indian officer and two Indian soldiers. The statement did not specify the number of additional Chinese casualties. It added that senior military officials from both sides are currently meeting to defuse the situation.
CNN quoted the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian to have said that “Indian troops seriously violated our consensus and twice crossed the border line for illegal activities and provoked and attacked Chinese personnel which lead to serious physical conflict between the two sides.”
“China has lodged strong protest and representation with the India side, and we once again we solemnly ask the India side to follow our consensus and strictly regulate its front line troops and do not cross the line and do not stir up troubles or take unilateral moves that may complicate matters,” Zhao added. “We both agreed to resolve this issue through dialogue and consolation and make efforts for easing the situation and upholding peace and tranquility in the border area.”
Zhao did not comment on whether there had been any Chinese casualties. Chinese military officials did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Monday’s loss of life would be the first time there have been any casualties along the disputed border for over four decades.
Tensions have been growing in the Himalayas along one of the world’s longest land borders since last month, with New Delhi and Beijing both accusing the other of overstepping the Line of Actual Control (LAC) that separates the two nuclear armed neighbors. The territory has long been disputed, erupting into numerous minor conflicts and diplomatic spats since a bloody war between the two countries in 1962.
The Line of Actual Control runs between Chinese-controlled Aksai Chin and the rest of the disputed Jammu and Kashmir region.
The rough border line was the result of the India China border dispute in 1962, but neither side agrees exactly where it is or how long it is.
Aksai Chin is administered by China as part of Xinjiang, but is also claimed by the Indian government as part of Ladakh.