Deputy Vice Chancellor of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Killed by Suspected Bandits

Deputy Vice Chancellor of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Killed by Suspected Bandits

Prof. Yusuf Saidu, Deputy Vice Chancellor of Usmanu Danfodiyo University in Sokoto State, was tragically killed by suspected bandits on Monday. The incident occurred while he was traveling from Sokoto to Kaduna.

The news was shared on social media by Mohammed Sajo, a senior staff member at the university. “He was attacked and killed by the suspected bandits today on his way to Kaduna from Sokoto State. May Allah accept his soul and forgive his sin. This is a painful loss to all members of the University community, NSBMB, and the academia at large,” Sajo posted.

Prof. Saidu, a distinguished biochemist, served as the Deputy Vice Chancellor of Research Innovation and Development at the university. His death marks a significant loss to the academic community.

Police Public Relations Officer for Sokoto State Command, ASP Ahmed Rufai, clarified that the incident took place in Zamfara State, not Sokoto. Efforts to contact Yazid Abubakar, the Zamfara State Police spokesperson, were unsuccessful as he did not respond to calls or messages at the time of publication.

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