A devastating fire in the early hours of Monday, December 2, 2024, claimed the lives of Tijani Kabiru, a Customs officer, his wife, and their four children in Ede, Osun State. The tragedy, which unfolded in the Akankan area, has plunged the community into grief.
The blaze reportedly began around 3:00 a.m., with neighbors noticing smoke coming from the Kabiru family’s home. Despite an immediate alert to the Ede Fire Station, the inferno had already caused extensive damage and resulted in the loss of six lives by the time firefighters arrived.
Survivor’s Account
A neighbor, Kola, who first spotted the smoke, recounted the harrowing scene. “The fire had been burning for some time before we noticed it. The firefighters did their best, but the house was almost destroyed by the time they arrived,” he said.
Tragically, the officer, his wife, and their four children, aged 3 to 10, were unable to escape the flames. However, a 13-year-old child from the family survived the fire, narrowly escaping the inferno.
Fire Service Confirms Incident
The Osun State Fire Service, in a statement signed by its Director, Olaniyi Alimi, confirmed the incident, stating that the cause of the fire is still under investigation. The distress call was received at 3:21 a.m., prompting a swift response from the Ede Zonal Command and additional units from the Fire Service Headquarters in Abere.
According to the Fire Service, the fire resulted in an estimated loss of ₦200 million, while properties valued at ₦500 million were saved from destruction. The remains of the deceased have been handed over to the A’ Division of the Nigeria Police Force.
Community Mourns
The incident occurred on Tijani Kabiru Road, named after the late Customs officer, adding a somber note to the tragedy. The local community has rallied to support the surviving child, offering condolences and assistance as investigations into the cause of the fire continue.