About Us

OduNews.com (News Website)
Date Launched: November 2019
Url: www.odunews.com
Headquarters: Lagos, Nigeria
Type of site: Tabloid Journalism 
Available In: English Language
Owner: OduNews Media Publishing

About OduNews.com

Welcome to OduNews.com, a Nigerian-based website that provides real-time news updates across all industries. Our website is renowned for two exclusive features: OduViews and OduDiscover.

OduDiscover is a unique feature that profiles underground stars worthy of the spotlight. Our articles showcase these individuals and everything that has been unlocked about them, giving our visitors exclusive access to the untold stories of their success. This Feature News category is exclusive to OduNews.com, and we take pride in being the go-to source for discovering hidden talent.

Our Editorial page, OduViews, is where we publish opinion articles on politics, entertainment, and other social issues. Unlike traditional newspapers, we focus more on trending topics to create compelling editorial content for our readers. Our team of expert writers offers insightful perspectives on various issues that shape our society, sparking constructive dialogue and encouraging positive change.

At OduNews.com, we are committed to delivering news that is accurate, timely, and informative. We strive to provide our visitors with a platform that offers a fresh perspective on the latest news across all industries, and we take pride in our exclusive features that set us apart from other news websites.

Thank you for choosing OduNews.com, where our commitment to journalistic excellence and dedication to providing unique content will keep you coming back for more.

Are there employment opportunities at OduNews.com?

Yes, OduNews.com is currently hiring Content Writers, you can visit odunews.com/jobs for more information

How can I advertise on OduNews.com?

For advert placement or other promotional offers, you can visit odunews.com/advertise for more information


To bring information, happenings, and updates in real-time to a diverse audience.


To reach millions of keen readers across the world daily, keeping them informed promptly

Official Social Media Pages for OduNews.com

Twitter: @OduNewsNG
​Facebook: @OduNewsNG
Instagram: @OduNewsNG
LinkedIn: OduNews Online Newspaper
Pinterest: OduNewsNG

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