On Father’s Day, Justin Timberlake reflected on the lessons he gives to his young son, Silas, imbibing in him the importance of treating everyone with love and respect.

The singer and actor took to his Instagram page on Sunday, June 21, 2020, sharing how he and his wife, actress Jessica Biel, teach their son not to treat people differently because of their skin color.
Part of the post reads:
Boys grow up to be fathers. I think about that a lot these days. We try to teach our son to love and respect everyone – we teach him that all people are all created equal, and that no one should be treated differently because of the color of their skin.
We teach him this because one day, he will go on to teach his kids the same. It’s a cycle. And right now, as we all work to undo generations of discrimination that have plagued our system and our communities across the country… I am reminded today that the first lessons start at home.
I’m grateful for both of my dads and my mother for teaching me those lessons from the beginning. And for listening to me when I had something to say that they hadn’t learned. I pray for that humility with my own son.
I’m grateful for my wife, who made me a father, and is my favorite person/partner/teacher/friend in all of it.
I’m grateful for my son, who is ALWAYS teaching me right back.”

See the post below: