The Wordle answer 250 has been revealed for February 24, 2022. Today’s answer can be a toughie for those who don’t have a good starting word.
Need a hint?
Today’s word has two vowels, one in position 3 and one in position 5. Require even more assistance? Read on for the Wordle answer for number 250.
What is the Wordle answer 250? (February 24, 2022)
wordle answer 250
The Wordle answer 250 is “BLOKE.”

“BLOKE” is a noun that means “a man.” It’s most commonly used in informal British chatter. (Definition from Oxford Languages.)
“BLOKE” can be tricky for those unfamiliar with informal British English. If it’s not in your vocabulary, then it’s unlikely to come to mind. Fortunately, the two vowels should be locked down fairly early on. Then it’s a case of finding the trickier “B,” “L,” and “K,” which are all uncommon letters.
If you do struggle to get the answer, a good strategy is to use all of the available guesses to eliminate as many letters as possible.
Provided you aren’t playing on Hard Mode, which puts a limit on guesses where correctly identified letters must be used in subsequent guesses, it’s possible to use each new guess to eliminate as many potential letters as possible. With six guesses, players can guess each letter at least once. Use this to your advantage.