President Biden Urges UN Action to Halt Russian Aggression in Ukraine

US President Calls on UN to Confront Russian Aggression in Ukraine

President Biden Urges UN Action to Halt Russian Aggression in Ukraine
Biden Urges International Response to Russian Aggression in Ukraine

United States President Joe Biden delivered a passionate appeal to the United Nations on Tuesday, urging the international community to halt what he referred to as Russia’s “naked aggression” in Ukraine. President Biden emphasized that failing to address the crisis could set a dangerous precedent for other potential aggressors worldwide.

Addressing the UN General Assembly in New York, President Biden’s call for action was met with applause from the audience, although notable absentees included key leaders from France, as well as US allies Britain and France. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was in attendance, but Russian President Vladimir Putin was conspicuously absent.

President Biden expressed deep concern over the threat to the UN’s fundamental principles of peace and national sovereignty due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. He stressed, “Russia’s price for peace is Ukraine’s capitulation, Ukraine’s territory, and Ukraine’s children. Russia believes that the world will grow weary and allow it to brutalize Ukraine without consequence.”

In a poignant question to the assembly, President Biden asked, “Can any member state in this body feel confident that they are protected if you allow Ukraine to be carved up? Is the independence of any nation secure? I’d respectfully suggest the answer’s no.”

Furthermore, the US President reaffirmed the commitment of the United States and its allies to support the Ukrainian people in their efforts to expel Russian forces from their country.

President Zelensky, who was seated in the Ukrainian delegation’s section of the UN hall, enthusiastically applauded President Biden’s remarks. His visit to the White House on Thursday is set to focus on securing additional US aid and weaponry to bolster Ukraine’s ongoing counteroffensive against Russian incursions.

Additionally, President Zelensky is scheduled to meet with members of the US Congress, where the Biden administration is actively working to garner support for a new $24 billion Ukrainian aid package, despite mounting opposition from Republicans.

The Ukrainian leader will further address the UN General Assembly later on Tuesday and participate in a special session on Ukraine at the UN Security Council on Wednesday, highlighting the urgency of the situation and the need for international cooperation in addressing the crisis in Ukraine.

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